Submitted on: Jul Thu 18

We listened to the sixth disc in the Abraham series, Money and the Law of Attraction. They are really trying to teach us how to relate to ourselves as vibrational beings.

This isn't anything we have been taught or know much about. Most don't believe it or understand it. Our thoughts and our feelings create our vibration. A high vibration means good feelings and good feeling thoughts. A high vibration is synonymous with health, wealth and happiness.

A low vibration is synonymous with disease (dis-ease), lack and unhappiness. So that is pretty plain wouldn't you say?

What we haven't been taught is that we should change our vibration quickly from negative to positive if we want positive manifestation. If we get angry, complain, tell all our friends the bad news, insist we are right (we may be but it doesn't serve us), we prolong the negative vibration and start manifesting negative experiences.

It only takes 17 seconds for a thought to attract another thought of the same vibration. So you see, you can manifest a whole bunch of negativity pretty rapidly if you don't pay attention to what you are thinking, saying and feeling.



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