Submitted on: Apr Sat 01

It is interesting to experience how so much of what we were taught at home, in school and in society is no longer true. We know from looking at the past that much of past knowledge is no longer accurate. Most of the conventions and rules we were trained in, no longer apply. They simply are not accurate or true any more. So it is kind of strange looking out at the world and knowing that much of what we were taught is no longer valid. That some other information or truth is actually in place. One wonders how long this goes on? Obviously it isn't going to stop here. What does it actually mean? We aren't what we were taught. Nothing works as we were told. An old paradigm was in place that no longer applies. Interesting isn't it, to realize we have to make vast changes simply to keep up. Our vibrations are rising, the vibration of the earth has risen and everything is changing into something else.


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
