Submitted on: Jan Sun 24


Hi Everyone,

For the last few weeks, I have been talking about Essential Oils as a healing practice. They sure are fun to use. You have to be careful with them, as they are very strong, but they have powerful healing capabiliies. At this time of year when people have colds and flues, they can ward off the illnesses in different ways. You can put drops into your bath, or have a steam bath just for the sinuses under a towel when you put Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint and Rosemary in a bowl of hot water. Even one those oils would help you.

The oils have to be experienced to even appreciate them. The aromas alone, are enough to inspire. They are so pure and healing at the same time. I have had so many comments over the years mentioning appreciation for the smell of whatever oil I happened to be wearing that day. I love them because they work magic, they are powerful natural plant medicines, they smell really good and they can be used in many different ways, including in cooking. I can't do them justice by just talking about them. One has to experience them. 



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