Submitted on: Oct Mon 13


Last Thursday, October 9th, I gave a noon hour address to a group at Northern Health on chakras. This is a big subject. The chakras are important energy centers in our energy system. When they are in balance, we are in balance, when they are out of balance, so are we. We are a very fine-tuned energy system and we don't get away with anything.

What we think and what we say is what we create in our life, so it in our best interests to pay attention to what we are thinking and saying and consequently feeling as a result of our thoughs and speech. We bring that exact vibration back to us. Is it what we want? If we complain for 17 seconds we are already bringing more of that negatve vibration back to us.

Each chakra is associated with a colour and a sound. We are both colour and sound, which are 40 octaves apart. Energy beings all.

If you feel ungrounded, wear red, colour of the root chakra; for money, sex, power and balanced feelings, wear orange for your sacral chakra; for self empowerment, wear yellow for the solar plexus chakra which has the energy of allowing us to go be ourselves in this world; for love and compassion, wear green for the heart; sky blue for the throat where you speak your own truth; indigo blue for the brow chakra, center of insight and intuition and violet going to white for the crown chakra on top of the head, center of unlimited possibilities and your grace bank account.



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