Submitted on: May Sun 12

Hello again. I just returned from almost three weeks away in Vancouver and New Mexico. Studying energy healing, science, art and doing treatments. The weather was sunny and warm for the most part and it was a powerful learning experience that seemed to flow along nicely. In Vancouver, I went to the I Can Do It Conference put on by Hay House. I spoke about it last year as well. Gregg Braden, Caroline Myss, Wayne Dyer and a multitude of people studying and working with energy healing. Once again, 3000 people showed up for two full days. Following that, I took a one-day workshop with Doreen Virtue that was fun. She is so psychic that I wanted to soak some of that up. So I am now a certified Angel Card reader. Then to Taos for an 8 day painting seminar and onto Santa Fe for the remaining four days to look at some art galleries and see some friends. Since I have integrated energy practices into my life that go beyond physical healing practices, more into the nature of energy (and therefore of me, myself and I), life has got easier and easier. One doesn't have to understand it, to do it. Understanding the universe may not be possible but we can understand about the nature of energy and work with it that way. Our thoughts and feelings create our vibration. The higher the vibration, the healthier and happier we will be. It behooves us to express love and appreciation for what we have, to think good feeling thoughts and to choose to feel happy as much as we can. This will bring us success and abundance because it is a high vibration. As stubborn thinking as we may want to be, clinging to judgment and feelings of victimhood, or being right (would you rather be right than happy?) doesn't serve us. Only thoughts and feelings that make us feel good serve us and bring success to us. Negative thoughts point us in the opposite direction so can be helpful to us, we just don't want to stay there.


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