Submitted on: Jul Thu 26

I have been doing a whole series on tapping. Playing particular excerpts from The Tapping World Summit. Tapping is also known as Meridian Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique. It is about tapping on spots of the body which are on energy meridians, which also relate to certain organs and a certain kind of energy, while considering something that bothers us. The tapping neutralizes the negative (imbalanced) emotion and makes it disappear.....FAST!

It is an amazingly effective technique that is sweeping the world and helping people quickly. It is effective for the most difficult issues, such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome which soldiers and others experience, who have suffered huge traumas. It changes that in no time. It gets rid of almost all energy imbalances quickly and easily. When something feels horribly wrong or stressful, it is simply energy out of balance. Now they are using it with children and orphans with good success,  who suffered through the Rwanda massacre .  

But in the old days, it took 15 years of talk therapy and that still didn't solve the problem. Now it can be done in a few hours. It is modern times and thank the universe for allowing this new (it isn't very new but it has become more mainstream) technique to surface.

It has changed my life and I use it pretty much daily. Nervous about something? Feeling stressed over a project? Feel anxiety about some family member or something you have to do? Sad about something? Angry or resentful about an issue? Insecure about an idea you'd like to try? Can't get past procrastination? The emotion doesn't matter. Tapping rebalances it all in no time. It is a wonderfully amazing technique that kids should be taught when they are two and kept as a lifetime tool for making themselves feel better almost instantly whenever it is needed.

We listened to alot of high-powered people, Bruce Lipton, David Feinstein, Donna Eden, Carol Look, Brad Yates and others. I will play a few more before leaving it behind.





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