Submitted on: Mar Fri 14

Talking about energy again. Guess I will be talking about it for the rest of my life......I wonder? But for now, it is ever interesting, ever enlightening and I have learned so much that has helped me in my own life, that I can't see letting go of it anytime soon. Once you know about it, you can never go back. You never go back to how you were, to a time you didn't know what you now know, to a time when you were upset or angry or troubled for days on end. That just doesn't happen any more. I don't allow it to happen.

With all the wonderful energy healing modalities now available we can change our thinking and change our mood in an instant. And the sooner we do, the better we feel. And the better we feel, the better everything turns out for us.

Take the habit of acknowledging appreciation for what you do have. It has immense positive results that continues to bring good things to you when you do it. That is because we living in a world of magnetic and electrical attraction. You can't get away with having a bad mood for more than 17 seconds and you start to bring more of that bad mood to you, then in 68 seconds you start manifesting evidence of the negativity.

It is in our power to change that immediately if we choose. Of course you have to get past your stubborn pride and your ego. They will try really hard to tell you that you deserve to be mad at so and so and that you are right and justified. They may be right about that, but if it doesn't serve you and only brings you more negativity, do you really want to go there?


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