Submitted on: Feb Tue 25

It seems our society is beginning to become awakened regarding our energetic nature as quantum beings in a quantum universe. Yay! Not a moment too soon.

Realizing that we are an energy being and that we have the ability to work with our own energy system to heal our problems ourself, is a great relief and empowerment. We have the power to heal ourselves, we don't have  go somewhere else or leave our wellbeing to an outsider.

Modern physicists believe now we are energetic beings that draw energy and information from a field outside ourselves. They believe the control of our body is in the field. No one can find where the master processes are in the body that control the whole system. They can't find any control mechanism in the body that shows you how the body knows how to maintain the right body temperature or the right blood pressure. They can't find the place of memory in the brain. The physicists and modern scientists believe that the actual regulation, organization and co-ordination of all 70 trillion cells of the body is accomplished with information fields that guarantee that each cell in the body knows what ever other cell is doing at any given time. Because this is so complex, the scientists say, it can only be accomplished with the help of structured fields, our 'bodyfield.'


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