Submitted on: Jan Sun 05

Happy New Year Everyone. To me, it looks like this is going to be a good but very different year. Things seem to be going rather quickly (which I like) but also changing steadily-which I also like but which takes some getting used to.

Some people thrive when everyone else is talking about trouble. So decide what kind of person you want to be. Are you going to buy into all the negative stuff that people love to shout about or are you going to choose to live your life in a way that brings about the things you really want?

It is as simple as choosing to focus on what you want and letting go your attention to negative circumstances. I know it is hard for people. We get so set in our thinking we believe it is real. But mostly it is just a belief that is actually a false belief. We think it is solid but it can be changed in a moment, if we choose to think differently.

Since we create our vibration with thought, and since a high vibration feels good and brings about good things, it is in our best interests to choose good feeling thoughts. Once we do that, and if we do that consistently, it is really all we have to do. We can guide our life successfully from that standpoint.

There will always be negativity in the world and even in our own world, but the less attention we give to it, the happier and more successful our life will be. 



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