Submitted on: Nov Sun 24

The latest understanding about science that Gregg Braden brings to us is that we begin from a Living Essence. So think what that means. We are already alive, there is no death.

The teachers Abraham, have been telling us that for a long time. It is another way of saying what the spiritual masters tell us, and that is, that we are eternal beings. At first it seemed hard to understand this concept but now it seems natural. We are talking about energy here, as that is what we are. Energy cannot be created or destryoyed. It just is. We are an energy beings.

When we realize we are this being, at once our own selves as well as a being the size of the universe, it's humbling. Of course, we may not be able to really know it or feel it, but we can aim in that direction.

This energy being that we are is created by the thinking we do. The thinking creates feeling and both of them create our vibration. Our vibration attracts magnetically and electrically our experience in life.

It all comes down to thoughts and feelings so it is very worthwhile to learn how to make them work for us and to use them to create the life we want.




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