Submitted on: Oct Sat 05

Today Gregg Braden, in his audio book Deep Truth, spoke about an ancient record of our history found through drilling into glaciers in Antarctica. History of the atmosphere for the past 420,000 years was discovered. It showed that other warming cycles existed throughout this time and we are in a continuing cycle. It appears to be warming but possibly beginning a cooling trend. The information is spread out over many thousands of years with smaller cycles within.

If you have taken your science from television or popular media, you may be surprised to discover this. The universe is much bigger than we imagine and though we can do alot of damage to ourselves, we aren't that powerful in the universe.

Energetically it is worth remembering that we create through our thoughts. As we learn to understand this and work with it more, we will create the positive things we want and leave the negative behind. What we put our attention to, comes to us. If we put our atttention on negativity, that is what we get. If we put it on what we want, that is what we get.

In our culture, we have been taught to fight what we don't want. This only makes it bigger. The secret is to take your focus of it and put it on what you do want. Raise your vibration by focusing on what makes you feel good and let the low vibration-and fighting-disappear from your life. 


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
