Submitted on: Sep Sun 29

We are listening to Gregg Braden's audiobook, Deep Truth which is getting more interesting as we go along. There are so many new things being discovered in science and our world. Much of what we learned from past conditioning is obsolete now but is still being taught by our institutions.

We can change our thinking at any moment when we realize it is our choice to focus on what we want. We don't always have to do what we have been told to do because it often doesn't serve us. Doing things because we think it will work for others is another trap. What really works is what makes us feel good. From the inside out.

Feeling good inside allows you to feel good outside which brings good feeling experiences back to you. Whatever you give out vibrationally, is what comes back to you. The same level of emotional experience.

If you give off angry vibes, angry people show up in your life. If you give off good feelings, good feeling experiences come back to you. It is rather simple how we create our own vibrational reality. We just aren't used to taking responsibility for our thoughts, or for changing them quickly.  The good ones are okay but when you start thinking about something or someone that irks you or makes you mad, someone you might feel resentment about, you forget that the negative vibration you are immersing yourself in, is attracting back to you more of that same negativity. Not what you really want.

It may be hard to believe it but for every cause there is an effect and the Law of Attraction attracts it same vibration, as in 'birds of a feather flock together' or 'like attracts like'. So if you are peeved at someone in your head, before you spend too long stating your case, whether out loud or not, even if you are right about it, remember what exactly you are attracting back to you. Do you really want it? Stubborn thinking, also called pride, seems to be a big issue in the emotional health of our culture. I have had to unload it periodically and occasionally still run across it in myself. We may be right but it doesn't serve us to hold on to it.

One excellent and quick method for changing bad feelings is to do some tapping. It works almost immediately and almost anything can be made to disappear or improve. It is an energy balancing technique, very simple but amazingly powerful. It works for everybody and for animals and can be done with distance healing. I have used it a huge amount for many different things and it has always worked for me.



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