Submitted on: Jul Mon 01


Last Saturday, we listened to the fourth part of a series by Abraham, called Money and the Law of Attraction. There is a great simplicity to understanding energy but since we have been conditioned so completely in the opposite direction, often it seems rather tricky and difficult.

However, Abraham makes it easy to understand. They explain that it is about vibration, the vibration we create from our thoughts and feelings that create our reality. There is no fooling of self or others, because the energy is what is the measurement. So telling oneself something doesn't mean anything if the vibes don't back it up.

Basically everything works well at a high vibration, that is when we feel good. So that is what we must do, to make our lives flow. We must feel good and seek out good-feeling experiences, thoughts and feelings. The more appreciation we show for what we presently have, the more we will bring to us. Having negative thoughts and expressing them brings negative experiences.

We don't get away with being negative or complaining, without feeling the negative results we attract back to us.  

It is certainly incentive to choose good feeling thoughts. Once we get the hang of it and just start choosing good-feeling thoughts, we create an insurance for ourself. We attract good feeling experiences. It really is a safeguard and is worth focusing on good things instead of things that make us resentful or upset. We do need to find ways to get rid of those feelings cause we always seem to have enough of them showing up in our life experience. I generally use tapping for that purpose as it is so quick in getting rid of negative thoughts and feelings.

We have been trained as a society to complain and find fault if things don't meet our ideas. But that way of thinking doesn't serve us and actually brings negativity back to us. It is also disempowering to hand over all your power to someone or something outside yourself. Deciding to look on the bright side of things and to show appreciation for the wide wonderful world we live in guarantees a positive experience. To me it is worth it just to feel good. And what is so great about all the complaining and criticizing, anyway?


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