Artist Title Album Label
Evalyn Parry She Rides
Pinar Pinzuti On being a Cycling Brainwasher at Bikonomist and a storyteller at
Big Little Lions Choose Forward
Captain Planet Patty Cake
Eli Larsen PSA for the Babine Animal Hospital
Eli Larsen PSA for Nature's Pantry
Noam Chomsky PSA for Community Radio
Evalyn Parry segue into the second half of the episode
Pinar Pinzuti On the Italian Bike Expo and the Fancy Women Bike Ride
Andrea Bocelli If Only

In this episode, the second of that two-part series on Pinar Pinzuti, from the elegant and very romantic Milan, Italy. 

Pinar’s bike advocacy is having an excellent impact in Europe, convincing more people to get on a bike. Last week, we introduced our own brand of bike advocacy to each other. Today, Pinar and I will dig a little deeper into her methods for changing those attitudes in Milan.

You will also hear my cat Kerry singing in the background. I threw him outside when he first started, because... MILAN. He just let himself back into the house and started singing again. Maybe he heard that I'd be playing Andrea Bocelli for the extro song and thought, "When in Rome..."


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0

