Artist Title Album Label
Johnny Reid People Like You
Johnny Reid Is it Lonely where your Heart is
Owen Mac Be Kind
Owen Mac There's a new moon over my shoulder
Porter Wagoner &Skeeter Davis Have I told you lately that i love you
Carrol Roberson Put your hand in the hand
Os Portugas` Todos me querem
Os Portugas Forca Portugal
Mary Duff Will you walk with Me
Jim Reeves Where We'll Never grow Old
Charlie Pride Lord Build me a cabin in Glory
The Forester Sisters Church in the Wildwood
The Isaacs For Those Tears I Died
Hal Ketchum On the Wings of a Dove
Glen Campbell One Pair of Hands
The Petersons Sweet Beulah Land
Jim Reeves May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You

Time again to bring some music for all my listeners.On todays show i will play many good tunes,some requests,some good soul tunes,it is amazing how i find so many good songs that i never heard before,as i research on what to play each week,i am finding at times there are far too many good tunes out there,why would i play less then that?.

Today i will be playing  all in this order: Johnny Reid,Owen Mac,Porter Wagoner &Skeeter Davis,Carol Robertson,Os Portugas,Mary Duff,Jim Reeves,Charlie Pride,The Forester Sister,The Isaacs,Hal Ketchum,Glen Campbell,the Petersons,finally Jim Reeves.

A great [VARIETY],which i call the


Spice of Life




The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Smithers Community Radio
Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0

