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At a community dialog session this week in smithers, BC housing presented their proposal to the community for a 40 until building in their homes-first approach to Smither’s unhoused population. CICK’s Dan mesec has that scoop.

"Honoring our harvesters both past and present" is the theme of this year’s Hoobiyee in Gingolx in the Nass Valley. CFNR’s sabrina spencer shares what hoobiyee means this year for the Nisga’a peoples.

Reduced funding and increased costs are closing down Nelson’s harm reduction space called Coordinated Access Hub. CJLY’s scott onyschuk has the scoop.

Wood pellets are a source of fuel, mulch, sawdust, and even hampster bedding. But the collection and production of wood pellets can go too far. Ian Gregg is scooping the cage with retired UNBC professor Dr Phil burton today.

Good news for all you dreamers out there: Cortes Island’s Rue McDonald says this is the time of year that your dreams come true. Here’s CKTZ’s Loni Taylor on that.


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
