Artist Title Album Label
Elijah Larsen Intro to the episode
Elijah Larsen Coyotes are kind of awesome. And, deeply misunderstood.
Christine Bruce An apology for some poor sound quality on the interview, and how I'm reminded of the ongoing disruptions to normal life that most mammals, birds and reptiles experience when humans move into their corridors
Harry Foster coyote vocalizations along the Ottawa River
Lesley Sampson, Founding Executive Director of Coyote Watch Canada On coyote myths, and some truths
Noam Chomsky PSA for community radio
Elijah Larsen segue into the second half
Harry Foster oyote vocalizations along the Ottawa River
Lesley Sampson How we can coexist with canids
Elijah Larsen The best approach for safe and harmonious coexistence is to avoid conditioning them with food

I live in a place where I can hear all sorts of music. Every July, the Midsummer Music Festival comes to the fairgrounds. But just walking the dog on a quiet morning, I hear wrens and robins, killdeer and loons and swallows. As much as I love these songs, my very favourite musicians are the coyote family that lives near the creek. Lesley Sampson, Founding Executive Director of Coyote Watch Canada tells us what these songs mean, and I hope will encourage you to love coyotes as much as I do.

In Ontario, the canid outreach number is 905-931-2610

Contact Coyote Watch Canada at or for more information, visit

National Canid Sighting On-line Reporting at


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0

