Artist Title Album Label
Eli Larsen Intro to the episode
Eli Larsen Rats have super hero powers
Amanda Frost and Forest Higgins The Vancouver Rat Club: how and why it advocates on behalf of fancy rats
Noam Chomsky PSA for community radio
A Shamaluev PSA for local food and eateries
Eli Larsen Segue into the second half
Amanda and Forest Some of the ways people view rats, and just how flawed those notions are
Les Hay Babies La Bear Song
Amanda and Forest A yogi recipe!
Eli Larsen How did your view of rats change today?

Love is a Four-Legged Word, part one. You thought I meant cats or dogs, right? There are other four-legged friends, one of which has a bad reputation that needs to be addressed. The friend I mean here is a rat.

Over the centuries, rats have suffered with several unreasonable reputations—dirty, vicious and the spreaders of disease. None of this is true. They are in truth a fabulous animal, and in some places they’re doing astonishing work on our behalf. 

This is Bucky, a fancy rat. You can see in his little face that he loves his human companions in BC:

Amanda Frost and Forest Higgins of the Vancouver Rat Club are going to help me try to convince you of just how terrific rats are. Rats have done humans many kindnesses, so I think it’s only fair that I dedicate an episode to returning the favour. Rats in the cookie jar? Lucky us!


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Smithers Community Radio
Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
