Artist Title Album Label
Eli Larsen Intro to the episode
Eli Larsen One more way to spread good vibes
Christine Bruce disclaimer
Mary Jean Giliberto What are the Lay Carmelites?
Cantabile Choir The virgin Mary had a baby boy Blessing of the Snow
Beta Radio Angels we have heard on high
Noam Chomsky PSA for Community Radio
Eli Larsen PSA for Local Adventure
Eli Larsen Segue into the second half
Mary Jean Giliberto Lectio Divina, and Visio Divina
Voices of Ascension Unde Quocomque
Garmarna Unde Quocomque
Eli Larsen How will you find peace today?

The world has been in pandemic mode for over a year. Natural disasters. Political unrest. Social isolation. People are generally frustrated and impatient. It’s a tough place to be right now, and we aren’t always very nice to each other. Even when visiting downtown shops I notice a level of tension that wasn’t there before.

Lay Carmelites are Roman Catholic men and women, part of an 800 year old tradition of prayer, community and service. Carmelites are called to be love through contemplative prayer, community, and ministry. When Mary Jean Giliberto explained her role as a Lay Carmelite, I suggested that what she doing was “spreading good vibes.” And in her Bible studies, she’s following a format that is simple, sometimes deep, always inclusive and that offers great opportunities for personal enrichment. The more we talked about her role, the more I realized anyone can do this, Roman Catholic or not, Lay Carmelite or not. Literally anyone can spread good vibes and find enrichment the way Mary Jean is doing it. 


As promised in the episode, here are the words for Unde quocumque (by the late great Hildegard von Bingen!)




The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Smithers Community Radio
Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0

