Submitted on: Mar Mon 11

So how to stay feeling good? How do we create? We create through our thought. So if we want to feel good, we have to choose good-feeling thoughts. You notice I said 'choose'. Most of us aren't used to 'choosing' our thoughts. We let them drift into our mind, then we start reacting to them. I think we feel that they were meant to be there because they showed up on their own. But they are a vibrational level and thoughts float around at that vibration. So we don't have to own the thought. We can choose our thinking, and choose what works best for us. Not react to any thought that happens by. If we want to feel good, we have to choose good-feeling thoughts. Feeling good and health are synonymous. If we want to feel good and be healthy, we have to choose good feeling thoughts that are at a high vibration.


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
