Artist Title Album Label
Christine introduction to the episode
Alphonse Gagnon, and the members of the village of Moricetown clips from the pulling ceremony, from Centennial Hall to the Moricetown cemetery
Vi Gellenbeck explanation of two of the headstones
Alphonse Gagnon stories of the bereaved
Noam Chomsky Community Radio PSA
Christine BIG PSA
Vi Gellenbeck explanation of the other two stones, and family introductions
Christine explanations of the pull sounds
the Moricetown community the final leg of the pull
Dolores Basil comments on the upcoming feast
Freda Huson drummed song in tribute
Melina On her father's headstone
The Moricetown community You Are My Sunshine
Christine extro to the episode

This week, a Witsuwit'en Headstone Pulling event, where the headstone is pulled on a wagon. Headstone Pulling events are very symbolic, very happy occasions, where the community assists the family in letting go of their grief. This is hands down the most joyous bereavement ceremony I have ever attended.



The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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Smithers Community Radio
Train Car - Central Park
PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0
