Submitted on: Dec Fri 07

Well, 29 books and hundreds of songs later, it's time to celebrate the 30th Interrobang. But first, let's look back at some of the trips we've taken together. "Cloud Atlas" by David Mitchell kicked things off, with some Panda Bear, Portishead, and Crystal Castles (among others) creating the sweeping soundtrack. We headed to Cuba for Graham Greene's "Our Man in Havana" with tunes from the Cuban Jam Session and Up, Bustle, & Out's Master Sessions. There were guest co-hosts Amelia and Finlay, helping dad out in the studio on short-story collections and youth fiction. On Antoine de Saint-Exubery's "The Little Prince", your host got a little choked up during some of the more poignant, melancholy moments. What a beautiful book that is. Definitely a top pick Interrobang favourite this year--both book and show--was "A Visit From the Goon Squad" by Jennifer Egan, who won the Pulitzer for fiction for her efforts. Those are just a few of the strange trips we've gone on and I, for one, am looking forward to many more.

For the 30th show, we're going to get weird together. The book is "Kafka on the Shore" by acclaimed Japanese writer Haruki Murakami (author of the Wind Up Bird Chronicles). It'll be a 3.5 hour special, so make sure you have some time to get into it. If you can't make the scheduled slot (Tuesday, December 11 from 9:30 am to 1 pm) you can catch the repeat on Saturday (the 15th) from 7:30 pm on and if you can't catch that, the show will be available for download/podcast.

Thanks to everyone who has been tuning in - it's been a slice.


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