Artist | Title | Album | Label |
River Wilde | Dragon/Drag Queen | unpublished | |

A Special: Drag Storytime
A Special: River Reads Drag StoryTime
Arrrgh Matey, this is your host narrator River Wilde, coming to live from under my stairs and out of the closet. Happy Smithers Pride everyone! In celebration of Smithers Prides’ 6th Annual pride celebrations-United in Pride, this week's (May 27th, 2023) a special River Reads show, River Reads Does Drag StoryTime. The first half, along with original musical compositions, Wilde empassionantly discusses their experience being queer in a small town, and performing professionally as a Drag King, and talks about the Herstory of the art of Drag, both Kings and Queens. The second half of the show enjoy Wilde's Drag StoryTime. The River Reads show is “not a kids show but not not a kids show”. Listener discretion is advised.
Reading, in no particular order:
The Three Princesses of White Land. Nordic Tales. Illustrations by Ulla Thynell. Chronicle Books LLC. San Francisco, California, 2019.; and
The Pink. Grimms’ Fairy Tales By Brother Grimm, Translated By: Mra. E.V. Lucas, Lucy Crane and Marian Edwards. Grosset & Dunlap. Publishers. New York. 1976.
Remember to stick around to find out last Ep 12 - Numbers 2 Gender Blender tale! And yes, there actually was one. For those new, or who might have missed it, Gender Blender is a segment where each week one of the fairy tale’s genders will be secretly flipped, and which tale is the Gender Blender tale, is not be revealed until the following episode. So stick around to find out.
Oh also know I’m wearing a mustache and in drag today.
Drag HerStory Sources:
LGBTQIA+ History: Drag Kings. By Freddie Parker. Student Hut. October 12 th, 2022.
History's most incredible drag queens and kings. By Matt Cain. Culture. BBC. January 31 st, 2023.
History of Drag. By Rowan Cecil. Sutori. (date unknown).
The Evolution of Drag: A History of Self-Expressionism. By Gaelle Abou Nasr. ByArcadia. December 12 th, 2021.
Drag Kings: A Brief History of Male Impersonators. By Ella Braidwood. History Extra. BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. February 23 rd, 2022.