Submitted on: May Tue 09

We are listening to Dr. Norman Doidge's book, 'The Brain's Way of Healing'. We are still listening to how a man named John Pepper considerably reduced his Parkinson's symptoms by rapid distance walking and stretching and conscious intent. He showed that by purposefully creating new neural pathways in the brain, he could make his body work much better than just leaving it up to the medication to reduce the harmful side effects of the disease. Healing takes alot of work. One has to really work at it to create a whole new direction, creating health where sickness was. One can't be passive, they have to powerfully intend and then do the work. I know myself, how much work it takes to continually choose the healing path, tho the results are worth it. I do it 24/7.


The Smithers Community Radio Society is an incorporated non-profit that manages a locally supported, volunteer operated community radio station. 

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PO box 834, Smithers B.C. V0J 2N0

